Our Vision


To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls’ Primary School in the Region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an Environmentally-friendly atmosphere.


To provide the girl child with a reasonably priced, globally competitive holistic education package that is premised on the teaching of the Catholic faith and its traditions ultimately leading to the development of a wholesome and responsible relationship with the self, God, neighbour, society and the totality of creation, thereby facilitating the pursuit of the truth in all discipline.

The Dominican Convent, following a tradition that dates back to St. Dominic who desired the salvation of all people, is committed to the education and development of the whole person:- spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, morally and socially. In striving to achieve these goals, the Convent encourages:-

  •  Respect for each person and respect for life.
  •  The development of a positive relationship to self, God and neighbour, as well as to society and the environment.
  • The proclamation of truth in all disciplines, the formation of conscience, and the acquisition of self-discipline for the sake of personal growth and good community relationships.
  • Preparation for life in all its dimensions, its profoundest meaning and transformation beyond death to eternal life.